Sunday, November 16, 2014

10 weeks

Let there be light!

My symptoms have finally cleared-- well, for the most part. But... the worst part is over! My stomach pains are all gone. All that I'm suffering through now is the constant joint pain, which is very uncommon so early in the pregnancy.
Anyway, I may be crazy, but... I think there is a baby bump coming soon! I might sound completely insane to you guys, but I can see my body starting to change already. I keep asking others if they can tell, but the answer is an obvious, big, fat, NO (sadly). This is to be expected, though. I may see changes in my body, but it's only because I'm so familiar with myself (and my naked-self), where as others aren't so familiar with it. I'll be patient and wait, although I can't wait to have a tiny little belly that will eventually be a big ol' belly.
I titled this part as "Let there be light!" for two reasons; one being my symptoms starting to go away, but also because I am happy again. For the past two to three weeks, I've been miserable. Everything made me sad. Not only this, but I had no motivation to do school work, shower, get ready, or leave the house. I only wanted to sleep all day, and if anyone would question me as to why I was like this, I would just get angry and sad. I'm glad I'm over this milestone, because it wasn't healthy for the baby, or me.

Baby Daddy

I'd like to just skim over what is happening with the baby's father at this point. He still believes that he shouldn't have to pay child support, due to the fact that he doesn't want the baby. To be honest, the only thing I'm sad about is knowing that at some point, my child will feel unwanted, or unloved, by its father. I'm hoping that my love, and my family's love, is sufficient enough to where my baby won't have to feel that way... I'm HOPING.
The only time we talk is when he asks about doctors appointments, or if I contact him about child support. Other than that, not much is happening between us, which I'm happy about, truthfully. I don't want such an angry, immature, cold-hearted person in my life, nor my baby's life.

We're better off without him.
