Saturday, December 6, 2014

11 weeks 5 days

Well guys... I'm almost there! 

Almost there meaning almost 1/3 of the way done. BUT, still.
Reaching 12 weeks is a huge milestone for every pregnant person, as well as every family member or family friend of theirs. I've been worried only because when I was terribly sick, I didn't take care of myself whatsoever. Didn't eat, drink, shower, or do school work. But, that's all in the past and I can say.. I MADE IT (unofficially, knock on wood).

There's two of us.

So, recently I've found out that my best friend is pregnant as well. It'll be nice to be able to go through all of this with someone, but we are a whole 5 weeks apart, meaning I'm only here to warn her about all of the havoc your body will be going through. As well as that, her boyfriend stayed with her, meaning she won't need me as much as I will need her. Sadly. I am so happy for her though, that's truly a blessing. He's a great guy and he always has been.
On a lighter note (actually not that light), we will both be graduating pregnant. Very pregnant. Our school's nickname is "Mama Ridge," yet there hasn't been a pregnant girl there since god-know's-when. It's going to be a shock that there will be two pregnant people in the graduating class, who just so happen to be best friends. People will talk, but who gives a poop.


All is well. I'm tired all of the time, but my joints are swollen and my belly isn't aching. Therefore, I am one happy pregnant girl.

There baby was 3.03 centimeters at her 10 week check up, and had a heart rate of 172. I can't wait to meet her.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

10 weeks

Let there be light!

My symptoms have finally cleared-- well, for the most part. But... the worst part is over! My stomach pains are all gone. All that I'm suffering through now is the constant joint pain, which is very uncommon so early in the pregnancy.
Anyway, I may be crazy, but... I think there is a baby bump coming soon! I might sound completely insane to you guys, but I can see my body starting to change already. I keep asking others if they can tell, but the answer is an obvious, big, fat, NO (sadly). This is to be expected, though. I may see changes in my body, but it's only because I'm so familiar with myself (and my naked-self), where as others aren't so familiar with it. I'll be patient and wait, although I can't wait to have a tiny little belly that will eventually be a big ol' belly.
I titled this part as "Let there be light!" for two reasons; one being my symptoms starting to go away, but also because I am happy again. For the past two to three weeks, I've been miserable. Everything made me sad. Not only this, but I had no motivation to do school work, shower, get ready, or leave the house. I only wanted to sleep all day, and if anyone would question me as to why I was like this, I would just get angry and sad. I'm glad I'm over this milestone, because it wasn't healthy for the baby, or me.

Baby Daddy

I'd like to just skim over what is happening with the baby's father at this point. He still believes that he shouldn't have to pay child support, due to the fact that he doesn't want the baby. To be honest, the only thing I'm sad about is knowing that at some point, my child will feel unwanted, or unloved, by its father. I'm hoping that my love, and my family's love, is sufficient enough to where my baby won't have to feel that way... I'm HOPING.
The only time we talk is when he asks about doctors appointments, or if I contact him about child support. Other than that, not much is happening between us, which I'm happy about, truthfully. I don't want such an angry, immature, cold-hearted person in my life, nor my baby's life.

We're better off without him.


Monday, October 27, 2014

7 Weeks 2 Days

ER Visit

I have been absolutely miserable for the past five days; I've had the stomach flu.
Not only that, but I was hospitalized!

So, it all began on Wednesday. I felt disgusting and icky. This may be tmi (actually this IS tmi) but I had diarrhea, rather than throwing up. Which, lets face it, I much rather of been throwing up then sitting on the toilet for eeeeeeevvvver. Anyways, on Thursday I began feel light-headed. I knew that I was dehydrated, so, naturally, I tried to drink more water-- that id not help, whatsoever. Later that day, I bent over to pick up my puppy (he's still too small to go down the stairs himself) and I got tunnel vision. At the point, I wasn't so worried about myself, but I was concerned for the baby. I had heard somewhere that you're supposed to drink way more water when you're pregnant, so being this dehydrated was scary for me. I immediately decided to go to the emergency room to get some fluids running- remember, I had the stomach flu and could not keep anything down, even water. I got there, and I was actually pretty pleased. The nurse took me back right away and hooked me up to an IV. I watched TV for three hours while I got three bags of water pumped into my system.

That's literally all that had happened this week--but, there is some exciting news about the baby!

My little one is now the size of a raspberry! Not too big, but much larger than a black peppercorn (4 weeks). As well as that, the baby's limbs are starting to become noticeable, and his heart and lungs are functioning. My umbilical cord has also formed and is supplying my baby with everything he needs.



Sunday, October 19, 2014

6 Weeks, Give or Take

October 20th, 2014

To begin with, I'd like to introduce myself (for the people that may actually take their time to read this.) My name is Sarah and I am 17 years old. On October 14th, I found out I was expecting a little one. In all reality, I'm scared. Not only am I scared, but I am petrified-- this is by far the scariest thing that has ever happened to me, but I have no doubt that I will make it work. Not only am I scared about being pregnant in general (finances, living, parenting, etc.) but I'm also scared about having a miscarriage. For this reason, I haven't told anyone other than my mom and my closest friends. I haven't been stressed per-say, but there are so many amazing things that I'd like to share with everyone, but I can't share a majority of things with everyone quite yet. So, naturally, making a blog was my first choice in expressing my feelings and thoughts towards the situation, as well as what I'm going through.
This blog will be good for my health, whether people read it or not.

Anyways, for those who would like to know, I am 6 weeks along. Yesterday was my "official" 6 week mark, so every Saturday is a new week for me! How exciting! I've already started taking belly shots. I've spoken with a couple of girls that are pregnant or have just had their babies, and one of the top regrets that I have noticed repeatedly is not taking enough pictures; this makes me want to take pictures of everything... Literally! As well as that, I've started measuring my belly AND my breast size (why not?). Right now I'm measuring 33 inches around my newly-forming baby bump and a 34D around my bust. I'm excited to watch my belly grow!

My first prenatal appointment is on November 4th, which is 4 days before my 18th birthday. I plan on telling everyone important to me at my birthday party ("party"), so there's two very exciting things to look forward to. One thing I'm not-so-excited for is telling my brother--yikes! He lives in Germany at the moment, while I'm living in the States. So, I'm going to have to tell him over the phone, and I have no idea how he'll react. I hope all goes well.

My future is still looking bright, as always. Some people consider a child so early a curse, and assume they'll live in the slums for the rest of their lives, but I see this child as the complete opposite. Knowing that there is a little human being growing inside of me gives me all of the strength and desire to continue with my plans for college and work. Before I knew I was pregnant, I was going to go to college-- now that I know I'm pregnant, I'm still going to go to college. My mom supports me, as well as my family friends and my closest friends, so I know for a fact that everything will be okay. It may be hard, but I know for damn sure that it'll be worth it. If anything, this situation makes me strive more than I ever have in my life. Not only do I want to achieve things for myself, but now I have another human being to achieve things for.
I do not look at this like the end, but only like a new beginning.

Thanks for reading this far, if you've gotten to this point at least. My next post should be either: Option A) In a couple of days, speaking about symptoms and such. Option B) Next Saturday on my 7th week mark, speaking about 7th week kind-of stuff. Maybe both. We'll see where the wind takes me.
