Saturday, December 6, 2014

11 weeks 5 days

Well guys... I'm almost there! 

Almost there meaning almost 1/3 of the way done. BUT, still.
Reaching 12 weeks is a huge milestone for every pregnant person, as well as every family member or family friend of theirs. I've been worried only because when I was terribly sick, I didn't take care of myself whatsoever. Didn't eat, drink, shower, or do school work. But, that's all in the past and I can say.. I MADE IT (unofficially, knock on wood).

There's two of us.

So, recently I've found out that my best friend is pregnant as well. It'll be nice to be able to go through all of this with someone, but we are a whole 5 weeks apart, meaning I'm only here to warn her about all of the havoc your body will be going through. As well as that, her boyfriend stayed with her, meaning she won't need me as much as I will need her. Sadly. I am so happy for her though, that's truly a blessing. He's a great guy and he always has been.
On a lighter note (actually not that light), we will both be graduating pregnant. Very pregnant. Our school's nickname is "Mama Ridge," yet there hasn't been a pregnant girl there since god-know's-when. It's going to be a shock that there will be two pregnant people in the graduating class, who just so happen to be best friends. People will talk, but who gives a poop.


All is well. I'm tired all of the time, but my joints are swollen and my belly isn't aching. Therefore, I am one happy pregnant girl.

There baby was 3.03 centimeters at her 10 week check up, and had a heart rate of 172. I can't wait to meet her.
