Monday, October 27, 2014

7 Weeks 2 Days

ER Visit

I have been absolutely miserable for the past five days; I've had the stomach flu.
Not only that, but I was hospitalized!

So, it all began on Wednesday. I felt disgusting and icky. This may be tmi (actually this IS tmi) but I had diarrhea, rather than throwing up. Which, lets face it, I much rather of been throwing up then sitting on the toilet for eeeeeeevvvver. Anyways, on Thursday I began feel light-headed. I knew that I was dehydrated, so, naturally, I tried to drink more water-- that id not help, whatsoever. Later that day, I bent over to pick up my puppy (he's still too small to go down the stairs himself) and I got tunnel vision. At the point, I wasn't so worried about myself, but I was concerned for the baby. I had heard somewhere that you're supposed to drink way more water when you're pregnant, so being this dehydrated was scary for me. I immediately decided to go to the emergency room to get some fluids running- remember, I had the stomach flu and could not keep anything down, even water. I got there, and I was actually pretty pleased. The nurse took me back right away and hooked me up to an IV. I watched TV for three hours while I got three bags of water pumped into my system.

That's literally all that had happened this week--but, there is some exciting news about the baby!

My little one is now the size of a raspberry! Not too big, but much larger than a black peppercorn (4 weeks). As well as that, the baby's limbs are starting to become noticeable, and his heart and lungs are functioning. My umbilical cord has also formed and is supplying my baby with everything he needs.



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